Commercial Xactimate Estimates

Once your team performs a roof repair or replacement for a customer, Results For You provides accurate estimates on your behalf to your customer’s insurance carrier.

Results For You provides roofing supplements to roofers and contractors across the nation. We use Xactimate to generate a precise estimate for the work you will complete for the customer. The insurance carrier can then simply accept your estimate, and the customer can receive proper payment. With our insurance knowledge, we easily navigate the claims process. Outsourcing estimate-writing services to Results For You is straightforward and seamless.

Why Choose Results For You

Other business process outsourcing (BPO) firms work with a variety of industries, but at Results For You, we only work with contractors, which allows us to focus solely on the world of insurance-based estimates. Our aim is to help you manage your business as efficiently and effectively as possible. Our business is streamlined to best serve that purpose.

How Our Services Help You

While many roofers handle their own estimates and claims, you can benefit when you delegate this service to a professional estimate company. When you rely on us for commercial Xactimate estimates, we handle the:

  • Inspection: We have years of experience in estimate writing, so we know how to look at a damaged roof and identify problems and needed repairs. We also have in-depth understanding of current material and labor costs to ensure an accurate estimate.
  • Paperwork: We take care of all the necessary paperwork with the insurance company. We write up the supplement as well as any supporting documentation that is needed and submit it directly to the insurance company for review.
  • Follow-up: We don’t waste time waiting on the insurance company. After we submit the paperwork, we follow up quickly to make sure the insurance company is handling the claim. This saves you time and money on the services you provide.

We know how to work with insurance companies to get the right amount for the job. Rather than spend your time on paperwork and estimates, let us handle the nitty-gritty details for you.

Our services are fast and reliable. We spend all our time and energy on property Xactimate estimates, so you can trust that we know how to give you the right service at the right time.

Contact us today to learn more at 1 800-217-1926.